Wound Care and Hyperbaric Medicine Center


Hours: 8:00am – 4:30pm


A Fully Accredited Hyperbaric Center

十大靠谱网赌平台伤口护理和高压氧医学中心是一个完全认可的高压氧中心 Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS).

UHMS认证意味着我们的设施已经达到或超过了护理和患者安全的最高标准,我们的运营经过严格的评估, including equipment, 员工和培训,以确保在海底和高压氧医学专业保持最高质量.

嗯认证参加UHMS认证计划是自愿的,需要几个月的准备. Our team of physicians, 护士, 在认可调查前,技术人员和管理层共同努力,确保符合与超高质量管理系统有关的操作标准和安全措施. The survey team who visited our facility consisted of a physician, nurse and technician, all of whom specialize in hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Although their role included detailed queries, 他们是一个专业的同事,致力于为患者实现最高的护理质量和安全标准. UHMS及其认可的医疗机构共同致力于帮助医疗机构在高压氧医学领域取得成功.

新型冠状病毒肺炎 Patient Safety Protocol:

Wound Care Safety Flyer – Steps to Keep you Safe! 

Welcome to 十大靠谱网赌平台 Wound Care and Hyperbaric Medicine Center. We’re dedicated to healing wounds, preventing lower limb loss and optimizing outcomes for our patients.

如果你或你所爱的人有一个令人担忧的伤口或没有愈合, we encourage you to visit the wound center for an evaluation.

不能正常愈合的伤口可能会因糖尿病等潜在疾病而复杂化, circulation problems or previous radiation treatment. 有时, 由于身体的正常愈合过程受到影响,最简单的伤口也可能演变成严重的问题. Other types of hard-to-heal wounds result from pressure, trauma or infection. 无法愈合的伤口会造成严重的健康后果,并可能对你的生活质量产生不利影响.

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Types of Wounds Treated

As a comprehensive wound healing center, 我们擅长治疗各种类型的不愈合和难以愈合的伤口,包括:

  • Diabetic foot ulcers
  • 静脉溃疡
  • 压疮
  • Non-healing, surgical wounds
  • Arterial/ischemic ulcers
  • Late effects from radiation treatment
  • 创伤的伤口
  • 感染伤口
  • 挤压伤
  • Compromised flaps or grafts

Please contact 十大靠谱网赌平台 Wound Care and Hyperbaric Medicine Center at 315-361-2268 to learn more about how we can help you or a loved one.

What is a Comprehensive Wound Healing Center?

十大靠谱网赌平台伤口护理和高压氧医疗中心为那些伤口无法愈合的人提供护理,这是其他医疗机构无法做到的——所有这些都在一个地方. 综合伤口愈合中心是一个协调的门诊中心,利用最新的技术和程序提供最好的愈合机会.

Our Multidisciplinary Wound Care Specialists

Wound Center Patient in Chamber我们的伤口愈合中心配备了一个多学科的十大靠谱网赌平台团队, along with 护士 and technicians with advanced training in wound care, who will customize the most effective treatment plan to stimulate healing.

Comprised of general physicians, vascular and plastic surgeons, podiatrists and infectious disease physicians, 我们的团队致力于为患者提供最先进的治疗方案, allowing them to recover as quickly and completely as possible.

As wound healing specialists, 我们的临床十大靠谱网赌平台在伤口愈合方面有着良好的记录,即使是那些对其他治疗没有反应的伤口.

Wound Care Treatment Plans

Our approach to wound care is aggressive and comprehensive, 协调传统和先进的疗法和技术,证明减少愈合时间和提高愈合率.

Since non-healing wounds rarely result from a single cause, 我们首先进行全面的评估和诊断测试,以确定伤口的潜在原因. 然后制定一个治疗计划,给病人最好的康复机会. 大多数治疗都由医疗保险/医疗补助、hmo和其他私人保险覆盖. Depending on the type of wound, the treatment plan may include:

  • 感染控制
  • Restoration of blood flow
  • Debridement (removal of dead tissue)
  • 卸载
  • Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy
  • Cellular and tissue-based products (skin substitutes)
  • Compression therapy
  • Foot reconstruction
  • 皮肤移植或皮瓣

What Can Our Wound Care 病人 Expect?

Wound Center Doctor ConsultationYour course of treatment depends on what type of wound you have. 在您第一次就诊时,我们的工作人员将评估您的伤口并回顾您的病史. 你可能还需要做一些特殊的检查,让我们知道你的血液循环和感染情况. This will help to determine what course of treatment you will need.

Once a treatment plan has been prescribed, 你将每周去伤口愈合中心接受专门的治疗,并记录你的愈合进展. 遵守预约和听从指示对于获得积极的治疗效果至关重要. Some things you can do to assist with your healing:

  • Care for your wound at home as directed by the wound care team
  • Take medications as directed
  • Return for your follow-up appointments
  • 当你接受伤口护理治疗时,要定期与你的初级保健十大靠谱网赌平台预约


Please don’t hesitate to contact us at 315-361-2268 to learn more about our doctors or treatment plans.


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What is Hyperbaric Oxygen (HBO) Therapy?

高压氧疗法是一种病人在加压室中呼吸100%纯氧的治疗方法. 高压氧舱内的气压大约是大气中正常气压的2.5倍. 这种“高压”(或高压)剂量的氧气可以帮助你的血液将更多的氧气输送到你的器官和组织,促进伤口愈合. It also activates the white blood cells to fight infection.

患者通常接受高压氧治疗,每周五天,持续约4至6周. 一次治疗大约需要两个小时,对大多数患者来说相当舒适.

高压氧治疗可作为治疗某些情况的一部分,  including the following:

  • Non-healing wounds, such as diabetic foot ulcers
  • Chronic bone infection (chronic refractory osteomyelitis)
  • Injury to skin or bone as a side effect from radiation therapy
  • Non-healing skin grafts and flaps
  • 挤压伤
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Sudden sensorineural hearing loss
  • Central retinal artery occlusion

Preparing for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Wound Center Chamber奥内达健康伤口护理和高压医学中心的工作人员会告诉你需要多少治疗. During your treatment, you may watch television, a movie or take a nap.

You will be given a hospital gown to wear in the chamber. 没有化妆品, 香水, 头发的准备工作, 除臭剂, 假发, jewelry or electronic devices are allowed in the chamber. Most pacemakers are allowed in the chamber. 高压技师需要知道你是否正在服用任何药物, including non-prescription drugs. 建议在治疗前4小时内不要饮用酒精或碳酸饮料.

吸烟和使用烟草制品会干扰人体运输氧气的能力. 因此, 在治疗期间,你的十大靠谱网赌平台会和你一起学习戒烟的技巧.


Have questions about hyperbaric oxygen therapy procedure? 十大靠谱网赌平台 at: 315-361-2268 to find out more about what to expect.

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